In fact, there are countless suppliers of detox teas, detox tablets and detox cures that advertise on the internet. So what's the deal with the detox craze?
Thursday, 30 March 2023
Detox The Body
Sunday, 26 March 2023
Food And Attitude: Are Vegetarians The Better People?
Vegetarians and vegans have fewer prejudices. They also prefer to be treated as equals, while among meat eaters, a larger proportion tend to favor authority and hierarchical structures.
Cause, Effect And Wild Speculation
Friday, 24 March 2023
Are Exercise And A Vegetarian Diet Compatible?
Sporty Without Meat
In fact, this rumor is just a rumor. Depending on the sport you play, a meat-free diet can be healthy and beneficial even for competitive athletes. So what do you have to watch out for?
Tuesday, 21 March 2023
5 Forms Of Vegetarian Diet
Different Forms Of Vegetarian Diet
Basically, every vegetarian must decide for themselves what kind of vegetarian diet they consider ideal for themselves and what principles they follow. In general, four to five variants and forms of vegetarian nutrition are distinguished, depending on the source.
Monday, 20 March 2023
Life Without Meat
In Germany alone there are currently an estimated six million vegetarians. Unlike 20 years ago, it is now also chic to eat meat-free. Most restaurants offer very creative and tasty vegetarian alternatives to the classics on the menu.
Thursday, 16 March 2023
Where to get it: vegans and vitamin B12
In other cases, the measuring methods had determined substances that are very similar to the vitamin but unfortunately cannot take over its function in the body. So how can a vegan provide themselves with this vital substance?
Cobalamin: The meat vitamin
Tuesday, 14 March 2023
Prevent Arterioclerosis With Vitamin K
More Vitamin K, Fewer Heart Attacks
In addition to its important role in blood clotting, vitamin K is also involved in a number of other processes in the body. Above all, there seems to be a connection with the risk of atherosclerosis, as the Rotterdam study shows.
Saturday, 11 March 2023
With Enough Vitamin D Through The Winter
We need this pseudo vitamin for the calcium balance, but also for nerves and muscles: if there is a lack of cholecalciferol in the body, there is a risk of bent bones, cardiovascular diseases, sleep disorders and a host of other symptoms. In Germany, almost everyone has a slight vitamin D deficiency at the end of winter, and many even have a severe vitamin D deficiency - but this can be prevented.
Vitamin D For The Winter Months
Friday, 10 March 2023
Can you recognize a vitamin B12 deficiency yourself?
It doesn't matter whether you're burning fat, protein or carbohydrates, vitamin B12 is there. A deficiency therefore has thousands of symptoms. Can you recognize a vitamin B12 deficiency yourself? Perhaps. Here are a few pointers.
Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency
diarrhea also makes it difficult to absorb vitamin B12. In addition, the diabetes drug metformin can interfere with cobalamin metabolism. If you have liver damage, your liver may no longer be able to store vitamin B12.
Wednesday, 8 March 2023
The Healthy Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba
What is Ginkgo Biloba?
The temple tree is originally from China, but can no longer be found in the wild. It is still cultivated. More male than female specimens are grown, because the female fruits spread a very unpleasant odor. You can also find the Ginkgo Biloba in parks and botanical gardens, even in our country!
Monday, 6 March 2023
Boost your resistance with Echinacea!
The Indians in North America knew this hundreds of years ago. They used the plant as a disinfectant against wounds, bites and even a toothache. Eventually, Western doctors took Echinacea to Europe, making it extremely popular here as well. This popularity also appears to be justified: various scientific studies have already demonstrated the medicinal effect of the purple coneflower.
What is Echinacea?
Friday, 3 March 2023
Pleasure and frustration - mental training for your best piece
The origin of the erection
Arousal is initially induced from the outside. A stimulating sensory perception alerts you to a sexual stimulus. Your brain translates this perception into excitement and reports high alertness to the sexual organs via the nerve tracts. At the same time, the parasympathetic system kicks into action. The blood vessels widen, the erectile tissue can fill up. The blood accumulates in the penis, it becomes hard.
Plant-Based Iron Sources: Essential Nutrients For A Healthy Lifestyle
Iron is a vital mineral that ropes the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body. While many associate iron with an...
Strictly speaking, vitamin D , spelled out cholecalciferol, is not a vitamin because our body produces it itself with the help of sunlight. ...
Fresh herbs add aroma to the dishes and give them a special taste. But they also contain many important nutrients and vitamins that can have...
There are very different views on the vegan diet. The fact is that this form of nutrition has been gaining in popularity for several years ...