Tuesday, 21 March 2023

5 Forms Of Vegetarian Diet

People are very different – so are vegetarians. When someone adopts a vegetarian diet, it can mean many things. For some, vegetarianism is a kind of worldview and conviction.For others, the meatless diet is simply a way of eating healthily. Just as the reasons for vegetarianism can be very different, so are its manifestations and the forms of vegetarian nutrition.

Different Forms Of Vegetarian Diet

Basically, every vegetarian must decide for themselves what kind of vegetarian diet they consider ideal for themselves and what principles they follow. In general, four to five variants and forms of vegetarian nutrition are distinguished, depending on the source.

First, there are the semi-vegetarians, who are basically not vegetarians in the true sense and are therefore not counted as vegetarians by many. This group of people only limits their meat consumption and only eats meat once in a while. Most semi-vegetarians cite health reasons. The remaining four groups of vegetarians have opted for more drastic forms of vegetarian nutrition and completely abstain from meat and various animal products.

Vegetarian Is Not The Same As Vegetarian

The lacto-vegetarians put together their diet without meat, fish and eggs. However, they consume dairy products. The ovo-vegetarian group avoids meat, fish and dairy products, but eats eggs and, of course, foods that contain eggs. The largest group of vegetarians are probably the ovo-lacto vegetarians, who do without meat and fish but eat other foods with animal products such as eggs, milk, honey and cheese.

 If you belong to this group and pay attention to a balanced diet, you can supply your body with all nutrients through food. Another group are the vegans, who avoid all animal products, i.e. do not eat eggs, milk or honey, and also avoid leather goods. Vegans need to make sure they are getting enough protein and all vitamins. For this reason, there are multivitamin preparations that have been specially put together to supplement the vegan diet.

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