Thursday, 26 October 2023

Build Muscle And Lose Fat – 3 Nutritional Tips For The Dream Figure

In recent years, a real trend towards fitness sports has emerged in Germany. More and more people want to get their bodies in shape. Based on the beauty ideal of models and actors, more and more people are now longing for a dream figure. The main aim is to reduce fat and build muscle mass. More and more enthusiastic fitness fans are looking for a way to go to a gym or follow a regular fitness program from home.

However, many beginners despair of the exercises in the fitness program and are disappointed by the lack of visibility of the training successes. With the right tips, you can boost your path to your dream figure. We'll tell you what's important in fitness training and what you can improve to get your body in shape. Below are three tips that can significantly increase your success during training.

Tip 1: Amino Acids Promote Muscle Building

Amino acids can help promote muscle building in conjunction with a long-term exercise program. More and more athletes are relying on amino acid capsules to grow muscles. From bodybuilders to competitive athletes to training beginners, amino acids can help build muscle mass.

The perfect time to take it is always after training. This makes it possible to initiate an ideal regeneration process. Amino acids can also stimulate the body to produce certain hormones that increase fat burning in the body. More and more athletes are relying on the effects of amino acids to reduce body fat and build muscle mass.

Tip 2: Protein In Combination With Regular Training 

Anyone who has ever been to a gym will have observed that most athletes rely on an additional amount of protein through certain protein shakes. In combination with a regular exercise program, muscle building can be accelerated with protein. Because protein provides the building blocks the body needs to build muscle.

For beginners, 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight is recommended to enhance muscle building. Advanced fitness athletes, on the other hand, should aim for 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

Tip 3: Keep An Eye On Your Body's Calorie Balance

Of course, you can only get your body in shape if you stick to a clear nutrition plan. For athletes in training, 2000 to 2500 calories are needed to meet their daily requirements. In order to build muscle, a calorie surplus is required. During the muscle building phase, you should consume around 200 to 1000 calories in addition to your daily requirement.

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