Wednesday, 8 March 2023

The Healthy Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

The Japanese nut tree or Ginkgo Biloba is an ancient secret from the Far East. The seeds of the exotic tree are said to accelerate blood circulation and therefore have a very beneficial effect.In ancient Japan, the Biloba was therefore grown next to places of worship. This is how he got the nickname temple tree.

What is Ginkgo Biloba?

The temple tree is originally from China, but can no longer be found in the wild. It is still cultivated. More male than female specimens are grown, because the female fruits spread a very unpleasant odor. You can also find the Ginkgo Biloba in parks and botanical gardens, even in our country!

The tree can grow up to 40 m high and more than 1000 years old!The seeds are silver in color and resemble apricots in shape! 'Ginkgo' means 'silver apricot'. 'Biloba' refers to the shape of the leaves and stands for 'two lobes'.

The Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba

Thanks to its many positive side effects, the tree symbolizes immutability, hope, love, magic, timelessness and longevity. But why exactly should you start using Ginkgo Biloba? We list the five main benefits of the medicinal tree for you.

Forget amnesia

The Ginkgo Biloba, among its many other nicknames, is also called the brain herb. Because blood flow is stimulated, the brain receives more oxygen and there is less chance of arteriosclerosis. This helps to slow down diseases such as Alzheimer's. Memory loss can even be partially prevented thanks to Ginkgo Biloba. A healthy portion of ginkgolides also raises glucose levels and the antioxidants protect brain cells against harmful free radicals. This allows the cells to function normally. This is also beneficial for the sleep rhythm and concentration.

Fewer migraines

There's nothing more annoying than a migraine. We can miss that pounding headache and sudden nausea as a toothache. It has been proven that Ginkgo Biloba can greatly shorten the duration of an attack. In some cases there was even much less migraine. That's because brain herb combats the causes of headaches. It reduces fatigue and stress, balances hormones and stimulates blood circulation. Prevention is always better than cure, but Ginkgo Biloba can have positive effects in both cases.

Boost your libido

Those who regularly take a dose of Ginkgo Biloba will feel more like having sex again. The extract increases libido in two ways. On the one hand by bringing the hormones back into balance, on the other hand because it helps expand the blood vessels. For example, the flow to the genitals is better, making them more sensitive. Ginkgo Biloba has partly the same properties as Viagra, but in a natural way! Both men and women benefit from it.

Go shopping without window legs

Peripheral arterial disease, popularly known as shop window legs, is a painful condition that affects 20% of over-50s. However, young people with a less healthy lifestyle can also have the ailment. Due to vasoconstriction of the leg artery, the blood does not flow enough to the legs while walking, which can cause a lot of complaints. When you stop walking, for example when you stop at a shop window, the pain usually disappears quickly. Hence the term display legs. Ginkgo Biloba stimulates the contraction of the arteries, improving blood flow and getting you back on your feet in one-two-three. This way you only have to stop at the shops that really interest you!

How To Use Ginkgo Biloba?

In the meantime it is clear: you just have to have Ginkgo Biloba at home. But in what form? The extracts can be found in tea, but also in food supplements and medication. It is best not to eat the leaves and seeds in their pure form, too high a dose can be toxic. The use of Ginkgo Biloba is not recommended during pregnancy and for women who are breastfeeding. If you have to undergo an operation, it is better to stop taking it a week in advance, given the blood-thinning effect. For a correct dosage and the combination with other supplements or medication, it is best to contact a doctor or homeopath.

Side Effects of Ginkgo Biloba

Although the Japanese temple tree has many positive properties, side effects can sometimes occur. Combination with other medicines or herbs can be the cause of this. The most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea and dizziness.

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