Thursday, 30 March 2023

Detox The Body

Many blogs and magazine articles are about detoxification of the body and many people are wondering what that actually means. Can you really rid your body of toxins by eating certain foods or by fasting, or is it all just exaggerated hype that certain corporations are once again trying to use to sell their magic bullets?

In fact, there are countless suppliers of detox teas, detox tablets and detox cures that advertise on the internet. So what's the deal with the detox craze?

Detoxification Of The Body With Less Instead Of More   

What is certain is that in Central Europe and America, many people eat bad foods such as fast food and convenience foods far too often. It contains colourings, flavor enhancers, preservatives, antibiotics and pesticides.  Your body has to deal with these somehow. It has many methods of getting rid of toxins, for example the liver is instrumental in the processes of breaking down and getting rid of toxins. But in our modern world it is often the case that too many toxins are accumulated and even if you occasionally reach for frozen pizza, currywurst and chips, then some toxins are also accumulated in your body.

The symptoms of an overload of all kinds of toxins are mostly unspecific. They manifest themselves in headaches, exhaustion and listlessness. A weak immune system can also be one of the symptoms. There are many strategies to get rid of these toxins. Many remedies and cures are controversial. In most cases, one can assume that the fact of supplying the body with even more unknown substances does not necessarily have a detoxifying effect, but on the contrary, the detoxification of  the bod can lbe achieved with less input.w

Detoxification Through Fasting

Researchers have found that during a fast, about 5% of damaged cells in the body are shed and replaced with new cells. When fasting, toxins that have accumulated in the fatty tissue are broken down and removed from the body via the kidneys, intestines and liver. In order to achieve an effect that is noticeable in the complexion, immune system, energy and general well-being, the fasting period should last at least three days. A lot of water is drunk instead of meals.

To help, you can have a drink with lemon juice, some maple syrup and maybe some pepper. Hollywood stars swear by this fasting cure. 10 to 20 days is ideal, but normal working people tend not to keep it up. Already after three days of fasting, the symptoms of detoxification of the body are noticeable, and the symptoms of stress disappear.

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