Monday, 30 October 2023

The Use Of CBD Oil For Stress And Sleep Disorders

Hemp oil is considered the oldest and most versatile cooking oil in the world. The possible uses of hemp oil are wide-ranging, hemp oil poses no dangers to the human body and there are no side effects to health when taken.

Hemp has been known as a proven remedy for several centuries, and it wasn't long ago that hemp was used as such. Nowadays people seem to forget the effects and possibilities that hemp has for health.

What Are The Differences Between Hemp Oil And Medical Marijuana Oil 

As a rule, most people simply get overwhelmed by the different terms such as cannabis, marijuana and hemp and therefore they confuse everything. When we talk about marijuana oil, it cannot be compared to hemp seed oil. While it is true that marijuana and hemp are subspecies of the cannabis plant, the oil is extracted from the two plants and used later in very different ways. Medical marijuana oil is used from the dried flowers, which have high levels of THC and CBD. Tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabinoid are probably the best-known substances in the marijuana plant. These two substances are responsible for the intoxicating high effect. To make medical marijuana oil, the flowers must be heated to at least 70 degrees. This is the only way to release THC and CBD and develop their psychosomatic effects. From the name alone you can tell that hemp oil is extracted from the seeds of the marijuana plant and cold pressed. Important: Cold-pressed hemp oil has nothing to do with drug use!

The Production Of Hemp Oil 

The most important thing in the production of hemp oil is the particularly gentle harvest. To do this, you first remove the protective shell of the seeds, which are then pressed in an oil mill. The temperature plays an important role: This should not be above 50 - 60 degrees so that the important and valuable ingredients from the seeds are not lost. This is where the name comes from – cold pressing.

The yield per hectare of hemp plants is between 180 and 350 liters of hemp oil. Throughout the EU, the cultivation of hemp is subject to very strict regulations because hemp is still treated as a drug. That's why you're not allowed to grow hemp privately. However, selected plants are allowed to be grown in Germany for medicinal use. However, the THC value of these plants is well below 0.2 percent and the seeds are subject to strict certification.

The Most Important Ingredients Of Hemp Oil 

The positive properties of hemp oil lie not only in its very good taste, but above all in its valuable ingredients. The composition of the ingredients is beautifully balanced, which is why it can relieve many symptoms and weaken diseases. Hemp oil also eliminates various deficiency symptoms and provides the body with the necessary substances. In this way, the body receives a balanced amount of vitamins and minerals that can be absorbed naturally. Hemp oil is equally suitable for children, young people, sick people and seniors. There are no known side effects. The main ingredients of hemp oil are:


  • Omega-3 fatty acids in a ratio of 3 to 1
  • Omega-6 fatty acids in a ratio of 3 to 1
  • Gamma-linolenic acids
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin B1 and B2
  • Minerals potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, copper, zinc and manganese

The color of hemp oil is slightly greenish, which hemp oil owes to the chlorophyll present. The golden shimmer, on the other hand, comes from carotenoids (including beta-carotene, which is the precursor to vitamin A). However, hemp oil consists predominantly of valuable, polyunsaturated fatty acids (70 to 80%).

The Effects Of Hemp Oil 

Hemp oil is a purely natural product and very popular for skin care, but it can also be used for skin diseases. Hemp oil owes these properties to the fatty acids it contains, which have positive effects on the skin both internally and externally. Hemp oil helps with psoriasis, neurodermatitis or other skin diseases. This is also the reason why hemp oil is often used in numerous creams, soaps and other care products. The fatty acids contained in hemp oil allow the skin to absorb more moisture and it no longer feels tight or itchy. The existing inflammation caused by scratching simply disappears. Regular use of hemp oil compensates for moisture loss in the skin, which is why children and seniors can also benefit from the natural remedy. It is important to mention that an optimal fatty acid ratio for humans should be around 3:1. This means that an oil would be perfect if it contained 3 times as many omega-6 fatty acids as omega-3 fatty acids. Hemp oil corresponds perfectly to this ratio. Hemp oil also has the following healing properties:

1.Cell regeneration. The fatty acids are also needed for the production of numerous hormones. They strengthen the immune system, ensure optimal brain and nerve functions and participate in the repair and regeneration of cells in the body.

2.Effects of hemp oil on hormonal disorders and high blood pressure. The other fatty acid - gamma-linolenic acid - can be helpful for hormonal disorders or for balancing the hormonal balance. Gamma-linolenic acid also has a blood pressure-lowering effect. Hemp oil is one of the selected natural oils that contain gamma-linolenic acid (2-4%). Hemp oil can be used both internally and externally for cell regeneration or for hormonal disorders.

3.Hemp oil helps with chronic inflammation. One component of hemp oil is stearidonic acid. Like alpha-linolenic acid, it is also an omega-3 fatty acid, but it is not as well known. Stearidonic acid converts into the anti-inflammatory fatty acid EPA more effectively than alpha-linolenic acid, which enhances the acid's effect in this area. The two fatty acids, stearidonic acid and gamma-linolenic acid, accelerate the conversion of linoleic acid into inflammatory substances.

Hemp Oil And The Topic Of Sport 

Due to its therapeutic effect, hemp oil could be used as a medicine in sports medicine. Painful injuries after training are not uncommon in sports, hemp oil could be used as a remedy to relieve pain, inflammation and muscle spasms, without additional prescription medication. Thanks to CBD, hemp oil can accelerate any healing processes after training or competition.

However, CBD is considered a banned substance in sports medicine in most countries. The cannabis compounds could cause problems during anti-doping controls. Applied topically in the form of oils and ointments, CBD does not affect drug test results, regardless of the CBD-THC ratio. The skin acts as a kind of barrier and prevents it from entering the bloodstream.

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