Saturday, 10 December 2022

6 Bad Habits That Are Aging You Without You Realizing It

Bad habits like smoking and physical inactivity can accelerate skin deterioration, leading to premature aging. At some point in your life, you have to accept the appearance of signs of aging. It is part of the biological processes that your body goes through.
However, there are bad habits that cause you to age prematurely without you realizing it. The skin, like the rest of the organs, undergoes a series of changes over time. For this reason, it is normal that between the ages of 45 and 50, small wrinkles and age-related imperfections begin to develop.

The problem is that we tend to neglect certain actions that damage our epidermis. And, much sooner than expected, we begin to notice skin deterioration that affects our self-esteem. Although there are many products and treatments that can counteract this phenomenon, it is inevitable to see signs of aging when certain bad lifestyle habits are not changed. What can you do to avoid this situation? Well, in addition to improving your daily beauty care, it is better to correct the bad habits that make you age. And for that, you have to know them!Skin care should start at an early age. Although many of us strive to fight the signs of aging as soon as they appear, the most effective way to avoid them is to take a few precautions before they develop.

In your environment there is a large amount of toxins and volatile particles that have a negative impact on your skin. Therefore, if you want to avoid premature aging, you need to stay away from it as much as possible. It is true that genetic factors influence how quickly wrinkles appear. However, a healthy lifestyle can delay this process. And thus improve the quality of life. Without further ado, let's go through the bad habits that are aging you in detail so that you can try to avoid them as much as possible from now on.

1.Wearing Too Much Makeup 

Makeup is one of the tools that some women use to look more beautiful. What many do not know is that its excessive use has negative consequences for the health of the skin. The residues of these products accumulate in the pores and cause a series of imperfections. In addition, by producing obstructions, they prevent the tissues from being sufficiently oxygenated.


  • Try to avoid wearing makeup when it is not necessary.
  •  Your skin needs to breathe naturally. Cleanse your face daily to remove residue from cosmetics.


Cigarettes are full of chemical compounds that, in addition to affecting respiratory health, promote premature skin deterioration. Toxins affect the cellular oxygenation process and interfere with tissue regeneration. On the other hand, by producing dehydration, excessive tobacco consumption can dry out and weaken the skin. Of course, this situation accelerates the appearance of wrinkles and imperfections, even from an early age.

Tips :

  • Try to quit smoking. Although it is not simple, there are many methods that can help achieve this goal.
  • If you don't smoke, try not to expose yourself to cigarette smoke. Far from being harmless, it contains particles that damage the skin.

3. Not protecting your skin from the sun
Daily use of sunscreen is one of the essential measures to prevent premature aging. This product minimizes the impact on the dermis of UV rays which, as you know, are very aggressive. It is not enough to protect your skin only on sunny days or at the beach. UV rays are harmful, even on cloudy days. Therefore, its use should be daily without exception.
Tips :
  • Choose sun protection that is equal to or greater than 30 SPF (sun protection factor) when exposed to the sun.
  • To complete this protection, wear clothes that help protect your skin from the sun's rays: long-sleeved shirts, hats, sunglasses, etc.
4. Sleep little

Poor sleep quality has a significant impact on skin health. During the period of rest, there are processes that are decisive in reducing the aggressions suffered by the tissues during the day. Sleeping less than 7 hours without interruption per day affects blood circulation and promotes the appearance of premature wrinkles, bags under the eyes and flaccidity.
Tips :

  • Try to lie down and get up at around the same time so as not to disturb your sleep pattern.
  • If you have trouble sleeping, try to find the cause of you insomnia for a quick and effective solution.

5.Eat badly

Of the bad habits that age you, this is one of the most harmful. The nutrients you get from food are essential for healthy, younger-looking skin, for longer. For this reason, when you eat poorly, you are more likely to have skin blemishes. Excessive consumption of fats and sugars, and even more processed fats and sugars, affects the production of collagen and elastin and accelerates aging. Not to mention that many food products are also loaded with toxins and harmful chemicals. Their inclusion in the diet affects circulation and therefore interferes with oxygenation of the skin.
Tips :

  • Try to increase your intake of organic foods: fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats.
  • Avoid processed foods, deli meats and industrial baked goods as much as possible.
  • Replace soft drinks with water.
6. Being Sedentary

A sedentary lifestyle has many health consequences. What many people do not know is that in some way it also negatively affects the beauty of the skin. Exercise is key to keeping your body fit and lean. In addition, thanks to its daily practice, many toxins are eliminated that can accelerate aging
Tips :

  • Spend at least 30 minutes a day on an exercise routine.
  • If you have physical limitations, ask a professional what type of training you should adopt.

1 comment:

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