Thursday, 14 September 2023

The 4 Most Important Micronutrients For Vegans

The number of people who follow a vegan diet has increased significantly in recent years. In 2021, according to the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture BMEL 10% of all Germans were vegetarian and 2% were vegan - twice as many as the year before. In 2022, 1.58 million people said they followed the vegan diet

The vegan diet is considered very sustainable, environmentally conscious and healthy, which is why many people follow it.In fact, animal products from factory farming, which are largely found in supermarkets, are very harmful to health due to the use of antibiotics and synthesized hormones and cause around 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, which is why avoiding this meat is a very good thing in my opinion is.

However, vegans do not necessarily live healthily; the opposite is usually the case. Although most vegans claim that a wholesome, plant-based diet easily covers their nutritional needs, this is only rarely the case.There are some nutrients that are often deficient in the vegan diet, for various reasons, which I will explain to you in the course of this article.

 Therefore, as a vegan you should definitely pay attention to your nutrient balance and possibly consider a supplement.In this article I will tell you the 4 most problematic nutrients in the vegan diet and explain how you can avoid a deficiency, what symptoms of a deficiency are and why you as a vegan are severely affected by a deficiency.

1. Vitamin B12

Just ten micrograms of vitamin B12, spread over a day, seems to provide as much as the body can use. Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms typically take five years or longer to develop in adults, although some people develop problems within a year but usually do not fully recognize them.Vitamin B12 is one of the most critical micronutrients in a plant-based diet and is produced exclusively from microorganisms, which is why fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, contain very low amounts of vitamin B12.Many herbivorous mammals, including cattle and sheep, absorb B12 produced by bacteria in their own digestive systems. B12 is found to some extent in soils and plants.

In over 60 years of vegan experimentation, only B12-fortified foods and B12 supplements have been proven to be reliable sources of B12 that can support optimal health.1

National recommendations for B12 intake vary significantly from country to country. For example, in the United States, the recommended intake is 2.4 micrograms per day for normal adults, rising to 2.8 micrograms for breastfeeding mothers.The German recommendation is even 3 micrograms per day. Recommended intakes are typically based on 50% intake as this is typical for small amounts from foods.

To meet the US and German recommendations, you must consume enough vitamin B12. However, 1.5 micrograms should initially be enough to avoid the early signs of insufficient B12 intake, such as slightly elevated homocysteine and methylmalonic acid levels, in most people.Even slightly elevated homocysteine is already linked to an increased risk of many health problems, including heart disease in adults, preeclampsia during pregnancy, and neural tube defects in babies.2

Clinical deficiency can cause anemia or damage to the nervous system. Most vegans consume enough B12 to avoid clinical deficiency. Two subgroups of vegans are particularly at risk of B12 deficiency: long-term vegans who avoid common fortified foods such as raw vegans or macrobiotic vegans and breastfed infants of vegan mothers whose own B12 intake is low.

In adults, typical deficiency symptoms include loss of energy, tingling, numbness, decreased sensitivity to pain or pressure, blurred vision, abnormal gait, sore tongue, poor memory, confusion, hallucinations, and personality changes.3

No matter what reasons you have decided to go vegan, you should be aware that unfortunately you will not be able to properly cover your vitamin B12 needs.Although some plant-based foods, such as fermented foods, sprouts, mushrooms, spirulina, barley grass, nori and some other algae, contain vitamin B12, this is not enough.

2. Iron

Not only is vitamin B12 considered extremely critical by vegans and can hardly be prevented without supplements, iron is also a very critical trace element, although many plant-based foods contain high amounts of iron.The iron requirement results from the daily iron losses through stool, urine and sweat and is around 1 mg per day. In women there are additional losses due to menstruation. The need for iron is increased during growth and pregnancy.

However, it is not enough to consume iron in the amount required of around 1 mg per day with food. Only about 10-15% of the iron in food is actually available to our body.The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) has taken this into account in its recommendations for iron intake by recommending that, in order to cover the daily iron requirement of around 1 mg, adolescents and adults consume between 10 and 15 mg and children between 8 and 10 mg of iron per day to record. Much higher intakes of 30 or 20 mg per day are recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women.4

There are many factors that affect the amount of iron your body can absorb from your diet. The most important factor is your body's need for iron: when there is a lack of iron, more is absorbed, and when iron stores are full, less is absorbed.Tea, coffee and some substances in plant foods can make it much more difficult for your body to absorb iron.

Coffee, green tea and black tea are all rich in polyphenols. These are phytochemicals that have an enormous antioxidant effect and can reduce inflammation, which is why these three drinks are so health-promoting. However, it is precisely these ingredients that can cause various nutrients to be more poorly absorbed in the intestines. The tannin in particular forms a strong bond with iron and thus inhibits its absorption in the intestine. The same applies to folic acid and vitamin B1.

Iron is particularly affected by this. In some research, coffee has been shown to reduce iron absorption by up to 39%. For green tea it was even 64%.5Iron is present in animal foods as Fe. This can be used by your body up to 22%. The rule of thumb applies here: “The lighter the meat, the lower the iron content.”

Iron from plant products is present as Fe(III) oxide. Only 8% of Fe(III) oxide can be used by your body. However, by adding vitamin C, the Fe(III) oxide becomes Fe(II) oxide, i.e. divalent iron. Fe(II) oxide is much easier to utilize by the body, which is why you should always consume plant sources of iron (e.g. oat flakes, pumpkin seeds, lentils, etc. in conjunction with vitamin C

However, when it comes to iron, it must be mentioned that you can definitely cover your needs with a purely plant-based diet, as long as you don't have very high needs, e.g. B. due to menstruation in women or in competitive sports.Good sources of iron include lentils, chickpeas, beans, tofu, cashews, chia seeds, ground flax seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, kale, dried apricots, dried figs, raisins, quinoa and oatmeal.

3. Zinc

“Vegans should primarily consume B vitamins and iron.” – This statement is correct and has already been proven by countless studies, but one trace element is greatly underestimated in the vegan diet, namely good old zinc.Zinc supplementation is often done during pregnancy or when sick, as zinc is essential for a healthy pregnancy and boosts immune health, but these are not the only times we should consider getting enough zinc.On the one hand, the best sources of zinc are of animal origin, such as oysters, eggs, beef and offal. Plant-based foods naturally contain less zinc.

I know what you are now thinking: “But there are very good vegetable sources of zinc, such as oat flakes, legumes, tofu or seeds, with which you can cover your zinc needs without any problems.”And you are absolutely right in this line of thought, but as with iron, there is another big problem here, which is why you as a vegan should definitely pay attention to your zinc balance.

Phytates, commonly found in plant-based foods, significantly reduce zinc absorption, which is why many researchers believe that vegetarians' zinc intake should be increased by up to 50% of the actual RDA (reference daily allowance).6

Of the 5 measurements in the study above, vegans met the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowances), with the exception of the EPIC-Oxford study, which found that vegan men had slightly lower zinc intakes than the RDA. The method of determining zinc intake in EPIC-Oxford using food frequency questionnaires is generally less reliable than 3-day food records used in the smaller studies in Switzerland and Germany.

These studies showed that vegans, on average, have lower blood zinc levels than meat eaters, but within reference ranges. However, in the Swiss study, 47% of vegans were below the reference range, indicating that as vegans you should be aware of your zinc intake and watch out for deficiency symptoms.7

A zinc deficiency usually becomes apparent after a short time in a weakened immune system and the associated increased susceptibility to infections as well as brittle nails, brittle hair and poor skin.Other signs may include loss of taste, weight loss, diarrhea and impaired immune function. Which in turn leads to an increased susceptibility to all kinds of diseases.8

If you have noticed any of these symptoms, see your doctor to determine if you have a deficiency. Note that these symptoms may have alternative causes

4. Calcium

You probably wouldn't have expected this, but yes, calcium is also a very critical micronutrient in a vegan diet, which most people don't get enough of.Your bones contain large amounts of calcium, which helps make them strong and stiff. Calcium is also needed for other functions, including nerve and muscle function and blood clotting. These tasks are so important for survival that when dietary calcium is too low, calcium is lost from bones and used for other important functions.

There is always around 1% calcium in the blood, no matter how much calcium you consume. If there is a calcium deficiency, the body gets the calcium it needs from the bones and if there is an excess, the excess calcium is stored in the bones or teeth. This means that your blood calcium level says nothing about the state of your calcium supply, as there is always more or less than 1 percent of total calcium in the blood. The rest is stored in the bones.For this reason, to determine your calcium status, either a bone density measurement or a nail or hair analysis is the best way to determine your calcium status as accurately as possible.density and low calcium intake.

The results of a meta-analysis that combined several studies showed that vegans have an approximately 10% higher risk of bone fractures compared to non-vegetarians.9

Although calcium is abundant in some plant-based foods, such as dark leafy greens, tofu, and non-dairy milk, there are many factors that affect calcium absorption, which is why vegans should definitely consume more calcium than non-vegans.

This is mainly due to certain phosphates and especially oxalic acid, which inhibit calcium absorption and its use.10

Oxalates, the anions of oxalic acid also known as clover acid), which occurs naturally in many plants, form the poorly soluble calcium oxalate in the body when they meet calcium. If high amounts of oxalic acid are supplied to the stomach and intestines through food and at the same time relatively little calcium, this is completely bound and is no longer available to the body; the calcium is unavailable and cannot enter the blood.Foods with a very high oxalic acid content include: E.g. amaranth, purslane, peppermint leaves, various types of black tea, spinach, star fruit, rhubarb, yam, chard, sorrel or some types of wheat bran.

However, there are also nutrients that promote calcium absorption. This includes e.g. B. high protein intake, sodium, vitamin D and magnesium.11

However, since calcium-rich plant sources contain little sodium, vitamin D and protein, less calcium is absorbed and used effectively.

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