Friday, 22 September 2023

Healthy Eating – What Does That Actually Mean And How Much Does It Cost ?(part-2)

Raisins For The Heart And Circulation

If you want to sweeten your food a little, raisins are suitable. The dried fruit can, for example, replace the expensive blueberries in muesli.

Raisins contain a variety of vitamins such as B1, B3, B5 and B6, as well as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and a high proportion of potassium, which benefit our muscles. The B vitamins improve our metabolic processes and the fiber regulates digestion. They are also very inexpensive in stores.

Carrots For The Immune System 

The carrot is a root healthy vegetable and is available all year round. The orange color comes from the beta-carotene contained in carrots, which our body converts into vitamin A.At the same time, carrots also contain carotenoids. These serve to strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.Radish, celery or beets are the alternative here. Our body does not need exotic and expensive vegetables.

Provide Energy With Lenses

We mainly get our protein from meat and dairy products, but there are also protein-rich legumes such as lentils and beans.Lentils are particularly rich in protein and fiber, which give us a lot of energy. Their high iron content also makes them a good alternative to milk and meat.

But we don't have to do without animal protein, because eggs are also a good source of protein . Even considering the cholesterol level, two eggs a day are 

Canola Oil Can Prevent Strokes

Along with seeds and nuts, oil serves as a source of fat and gives food more flavor. Rapeseed oil is recommended because it has the ideal composition of omega-3 and omega-5 fatty acids. Sunflower oil, for example, contains an excess of omega-6 fatty acids, which can promote inflammation.

Rapeseed oil also contains a high proportion of alpha-linolenic acid. We can only absorb the acid through food (fatty sea fish) because our body cannot produce it. Alpha-linolenic acid regulates our blood lipids, promotes blood clotting, inhibits inflammation and thus prevents strokes, thrombosis and heart attacks.

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Healthy Eating – What Does That Actually Mean And How Much Does It Cost ?(part-1)

People tend to consume empty calories in excess because they lack knowledge of what the body needs and is healthy. This can lead to nutrient deficiencies.

Basically, we live in a land of milk and honey and usually eat more food than we actually have to or should and that's why we get sick. But can you also eat inexpensively and healthily without having to buy expensive food?

Thursday, 14 September 2023

The 4 Most Important Micronutrients For Vegans

The number of people who follow a vegan diet has increased significantly in recent years. In 2021, according to the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture BMEL 10% of all Germans were vegetarian and 2% were vegan - twice as many as the year before. In 2022, 1.58 million people said they followed the vegan diet

The vegan diet is considered very sustainable, environmentally conscious and healthy, which is why many people follow it.In fact, animal products from factory farming, which are largely found in supermarkets, are very harmful to health due to the use of antibiotics and synthesized hormones and cause around 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, which is why avoiding this meat is a very good thing in my opinion is.

Thursday, 7 September 2023

Food For The Eyes

Eat the carrots, they are good for the eyes - everyone has probably heard this saying as a child.

In fact, you can do something good for your eyes by eating certain foods. Above all, diseases of the retina, which often occur in old age, can be prevented with the right diet.

Monday, 4 September 2023

Do Vegans Live Healthier?

There are very different views on the vegan diet. The fact is that this form of nutrition has been gaining in popularity for several years and vegan products are playing an increasingly important role in our environment.

The vegan diet not only offers obvious benefits for animal welfare and environmental protection, but also has a very positive effect on our health. But why exactly do vegans often live healthier?

Plant-Based Iron Sources: Essential Nutrients For A Healthy Lifestyle

Iron is a vital mineral that ropes the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body. While many associate iron with an...