Sunday, 10 December 2023

Winter Vegetables – Winter Sources Of Vitamin C

Every season has its culinary charms. But nature's products are particularly rich in vitamins, especially in summer. Because there are plenty of fruits and vegetables waiting in the store, at the market or even in your own garden.

This is not only really tasty, but above all very healthy.Among other things, it is vitamin C that has a positive effect on health because it strengthens the body's immune system.

But what to do when this help is most needed, but the trees and bushes have long since stopped producing fresh apricots, cherries, etc.?

No need to worry - thanks to a variety of regional vitamin C suppliers, the immune system really gets going even in winter.

Lemons From The North Instead Of Exotic Imports

Regional products have many advantages and the selection of vitamin-rich delicacies is enormous, even in the cold season. So you don't have to rely exclusively on exotic imported goods that have flown halfway around the world.

Right here, delicate vitamin bombs grow even in winter.The daily requirement of an adult is around 100 milligrams of vitamin C daily. And this amount can easily be reduced with winter vegetables:

Potatoes : Often frowned upon, the tuber is extremely healthy. Called the lemon of the north, it certainly lives up to that nickname. With around 20 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams, it is not one of the leaders when it comes to vitamin C, but it is in the middle of the pack. It also impresses with valuable B vitamins and potassium.

Brussels sprouts: Just 100 grams of Brussels sprouts are enough to cover your daily requirements. Many people don't know that Brussels sprouts can taste really delicious. You can not only cook it, but also fry it in slices or briefly sauté the individual leaves and serve them in a fine salad. This takes away the tartness of the Brussels sprouts and the short cooking also preserves a lot of the vitamins.

Kale: Kale only tastes really good after the first frost anyway. By the way, this has no effect on its vitamin content. 100 grams of kale contain around 94 mg of vitamin C.

Proper Storage Of Winter Vegetables reserves vitamins

Vitamin C is really sensitive because it is sensitive to light and heat. So there are a few things to consider if you want to keep your vitamin content high.The best way to do this is to consume the products as fresh as possible. 

Fresh spinach is still very edible after two to three days, but is only half as rich in vitamin C. Even the apple no longer fully lives up to its good reputation after a while. Although this fruit can be stored wonderfully, it still loses around a third of the vitamins it contains.

If you want to store it, it is best to store it in a cool, dark room. Alternatively, you can also freeze your winter vegetables fresh and defrost them again before preparing them, as the vitamins survive this process remarkably well.

No matter what time of year, you can always eat a healthy and varied diet. For example, with delicious winter vegetables that grow right here in Germany.

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