Saturday, 16 December 2023

Bacteria Promote Fat Absorption - Intestinal Flora Is A Possible Cause Of Obesity

Obesity has not only become a serious problem in broad sections of the population since the prescribed rest breaks to combat the corona pandemic. Germany is well on its way to becoming one of the most important countries in the world and challenging the USA for its title in this regard.

No wonder, then, that research into the causes of overweight and obesity is being heavily promoted in the hope of one day being able to effectively combat obesity and its complications. In addition to classic research approaches, which essentially revolve around excess calories and lack of exercise, researchers have increasingly been focusing on intestinal flora in recent years.

Thursday, 14 December 2023

Health And Well-being: Dietary Supplements Are Key For Lipedema

Lipedema is a chronic disease that predominantly affects women and is often accompanied by pain, swelling and uneven fat distribution. Despite its prevalence, lipedema remains largely misunderstood and underdiagnosed, leading to challenges in the treatment and management of the disease. One of the most promising approaches to aid in treatment and symptom relief is the use of nutritional supplements.

The use of nutritional supplements for lipedema is based on the principle that targeted supplementation of certain nutrients can help reduce inflammation, support the lymphatic system and improve overall well-being. The idea is not to replace conventional treatment, but to complement it and increase the quality of life of those affected.

Sunday, 10 December 2023

Winter Vegetables – Winter Sources Of Vitamin C

Every season has its culinary charms. But nature's products are particularly rich in vitamins, especially in summer. Because there are plenty of fruits and vegetables waiting in the store, at the market or even in your own garden.

This is not only really tasty, but above all very healthy.Among other things, it is vitamin C that has a positive effect on health because it strengthens the body's immune system.

Friday, 8 December 2023

Detox And Purification Treatments – Nonsense With Potential For Rip-offs?

An entire industry has specialized in purification and detoxification cures and is promoting it vigorously. The usefulness of such cures is of course not questioned, but simply assumed that toxins and toxins would accumulate in the body, which could then be flushed out with juices, smoothies, powders, teas and pills.

If we ignore the accumulation of environmental toxins in people's fatty tissue, there is no reliable scientific evidence for the accumulation of metabolic waste in the human body. Of course, purifying and detoxifying would only make sense if these basic requirements were met.

Plant-Based Iron Sources: Essential Nutrients For A Healthy Lifestyle

Iron is a vital mineral that ropes the production of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen throughout the body. While many associate iron with an...