Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Safe use of plants for rheumatic complaints

When it comes to pain during movement, you often hear the term rheumatism in colloquial language. But actually rheumatism is just a collective name for a number of very different diseases of the joints, muscles, tendons and bones.

Well-known rheumatic diseases are osteoarthritis (wear and tear rheumatism) and arthritis (inflammatory rheumatism). But gout, fibromyalgia, Bechterew's disease and osteoporosis are also a form of rheumatism. In this article we examine to what extent naturopathy, also known as phytotherapy, can offer a solution for rheumatic complaints.

On Time To The Doctor 

Do you often suffer from painful joints or discomfort while moving? Then contact a doctor as soon as possible to have a diagnosis made. Letting rheumatic complaints drag on is a bad idea. The reason? Some forms of rheumatism, such as rheumatoid arthritis, become violent and cause permanent deformities of the joint. To limit the chronic complaints of rheumatism, it is important to start treatment as early as possible.

Healthy lifestyle

It is generally known that stopping smoking, avoiding overweight and eating a varied and balanced diet are strongly recommended if you suffer from rheumatic complaints. An adequate intake of calcium, vitamin D3 and omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA is also a wise choice.

Avoiding movement and always opting for rest is bad advice in the case of rheumatic complaints. It goes without saying that you must avoid overloading in the event of a flare-up of complaints. Do you have doubts about which type of exercise is best for you? Consult your doctor or physiotherapist first. Exercise is good, strengthens the muscles and lubricates the joints.

Painkillers, anti- inflammatories…

Every form of rheumatism is different and therefore the treatment is different for each type of rheumatism. In addition to specific medication, painkillers and anti-inflammatories are often used to improve comfort. Medicines are, of course, not sweets. Only use them after advice from your doctor or pharmacist.

Supportive Treatment: Phytotherapy

The use of medication is only part of the total treatment package for joint complaints. In addition to lifestyle, dietary habits, exercise therapy, nutritional supplements or other treatments, there is also room for plant-based interventions or phytotherapy. Supportive vegetable formulas mainly have an influence on the comfort of movement in the case of rheumatic complaints.

Home Garden kitchens Recipes

There are many myths about the medicinal properties of plants. Occasionally dissolving some flowers, dried leaves or grated root of an edible plant in a cup of warm water is not phytotherapy. Relaxing, fun and tasty, but not medicinal.

The Dose Determines The Effect

To experience a medicinal effect of plants, it is important that you always take the same safe and effective dose. Do you have no experience with plants? Then don't experiment on your own. It is a big misunderstanding to think that you can use phytotherapeutics unlimitedly.

Nutritional Supplements

After all, the unwise use of plants can cause harmful effects. To avoid this, it is best to use pre-dosed nutritional supplements. Each dosage form (tablet, capsule, capsule, spoonful of syrup, drop of tincture) always contains the same amount of bioactive substances.

Plants that are often used successfully to treat movement complaints are willow bark, devil's claw, frankincense tree, black currant and turmeric. Always respect the recommended dosage on the packaging or the advice of the health professional. That is the best guarantee to be able to enjoy the beneficial effects of plants for a long time and carefree.

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