Monday 20 February 2023

Aloe vera: The Benefits For Your Health ( part-1)

Plant of Immortality', 'Eternal Youth', or 'Elixir of Beauty': these are just a few examples of the nicknames the aloe vera plant has received over the centuries. Because of the medicinal properties of the juice of the plant, aloe vera has been used as a panacea for centuries in various cultures.

For example, the plant would help with weight loss, healing a sunburn or preventing inflammation. So it's high time to get to know this super plant a little better!

What is Aloe Vera?

Although aloe vera looks a bit like a cactus because of its blue-green, pointed, spiky leaves, it is actually a succulent plant. The plant mainly grows in sunny regions such as Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. In total there are about 300 different species, but the Aloe Vera Barbadensis has the strongest effect and is therefore used most often.

The medicinal effect of aloe vera

When we talk about the medicinal effect of aloe vera, we mainly mean the juice from the inside of the leaf. After all, this juice is packed with important nutrients, such as amino acids, magnesium, calcium and vitamins. It is therefore to this wonderful juice that aloe vera owes its name.

The word 'aloe' is derived from the Arabic word 'alloeh', which means 'bitter' and refers to the bitter liquid that can be found in the leaves of the plant. 'Vera', on the other hand, is Latin for 'true'. In this way a distinction is made with the other plants in the spacious aloe family. In addition to the juice of the plant, the leaves also have a beneficial effect.

Nefertiti and Cleopatra? They used it to care for their skin. The juice of the plant was also used to embalm the bodies of deceased pharaohs to ensure that their bodies would be better preserved.

Do you suffer from itchy eczema or acne? Aloe vera can also offer help thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect. By using aloe vera-based cream or soap, your skin will become softer and regenerated.

Bye-bye stress

Stress is a common problem in today's society. Research shows that no less than 60% of Belgians suffer from stress at least once a week. About half take work stress home, for example when tight deadlines approach or when the pile of work on their desk just keeps growing. Prolonged stress can be very harmful to both physical and mental health.

That is why it is important to de-stress in time. Aloe vera can help with that. The plant not only has a calming effect on our skin, it also ensures that our muscles, including those in our head, relax. A scalp massage with aloe vera when you wash your hair can therefore do wonders if you want to get completely zen again!

Good for fat burning and detoxification

As summer approaches, many people want to lose some winter kilos. The substances in the aloe vera juice naturally detoxify our body, improve digestion and avoid constipation. A body free of toxic waste can burn fat faster, making it easier to lose weight.

 Moreover, regular bowel movements not only make it easier for our body to absorb proteins, it also ensures that harmful bacteria and yeasts in our intestines are prevented. Furthermore, aloe vera reduces the absorption of LDL cholesterol, which is a risk factor for arterial diseases.

In addition, there is some evidence that aloe vera can help balance blood sugar levels. While more research is needed to establish this with certainty, this would be very good news for diabetic patients.

Prevent inflammation

Inflammation sometimes arises because our body tries to fight unwanted invaders. Although this is a kind of protection mechanism, it can make us very sick. Antioxidants, which are also present in aloe vera juice, have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. In this way, even rheumatic fever, meningitis, pneumonia and diarrhea can be prevented or cured. Aloe vera also has a disinfecting effect and ensures that wounds heal faster. Even Alexander the Great was aware of this. He would have used the plant to treat the wounds of his soldiers. 

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